Blog Post Ten!

A paragraph about technology and teacher professional development.  Teachers are tasked with being the driving force of technology innovation in education -- which is directly related to professional development, how we stay aware of changes.  Post a screenshot, link, and description of one site you could use to stay informed of technology trends

1. As the world develops so does technology. I think that technology plays a huge role in the classroom and effects students and teachers together. It is important to stay up to date with technology so that teachers do not get out of the loop. Students tend to know more than teachers do about technology and the latest and greatest trends, although with websites like, Tech radar is a website that is on the lookout for technology and will keep teachers and students up to date with what is new. Another general source that teachers can use is just media in general, like twitter or instagram. Society as a whole stays pretty up to date with technology and what is going on in the world of new phones and computers and even trendy websites. It wouldn't hurt to have social media to make sure that you stay up to date. 

A paragraph on new skills you acquired from working on the two PowerPoint assignments. Reflect what you like/don't like about each and how you can improve it next time. Post a screenshot of both assignments. 

2. I really enjoyed working on both powerpoint assignments. I learned a lot about powerpoint as a whole and learned how to make the nonlinear one which was pretty cool. I definitely can see myself making some fun PPTs in the future for the students or even challenging them to see if they could make some and we could play everyone's. Both assignments were fun to work on, they were just very time consuming. It is good to learn how to do all of this on PPT right now but it is frustrating to see how much time it takes! 

A paragraph on topics you found most interesting from reviewing the instructor's blog post, "What I learned from your blog posts #1 to 5 (Links to an external site.)."

3. Reading the whole post was a lot but I found it really interesting. I learned a lot from seeing how the professor wrote down something she learned from each of us. The section / blog post that I found most interesting was blog post 4. I found it really interesting,  that many people have used online resources before. I also took note of all the systems that people have used in the past, I will definitely take them into consideration for using them in the future. Ones like, "iPad, Haiku, Google Classroom, Blackboard, YouTube, Khan Academy, Canvas and Moodle, Duolingo, LinkedIn Learning, Schoology". I used Schoology in high school and really liked how simple it was to navigate. I also will use all the resources / links were posted for later use! I definitely will look more into these resources when I start to think about making lesson plans for the future.

Add a simple paragraph indicating who you commented to at the ending of your post or add it as a comment to your own post. 

4. I commented on Maylace and Hayleys posts!


  1. The link you shared for staying up to date on technology is really cool- great job on finding it! Your PowerPoints look awesome, especially the "Can You Survive Being Lost at Sea" game! And I agree with your thoughts on them, as I, too, found them fun to make but being far too time-consuming. Definitely one of those things that if I were to use a non-linear PowerPoint as a teacher, it would be reused for years.

  2. Olivia,
    I really enjoyed reading your post! I think your provided a great source for teachers to stay up to date on technology and I also like how you included something as simple as twitter. I also really enjoyed looking at both of your PowerPoints. They look really creative and seem to keep students entertained and intrigued to learn!

  3. This was a really good post! I liked the website for technology that you attached. It does give you the latest trends. Your powerpoints were awesome and super creative. I really liked making the nonlinear one as well and plan on using that in the future. You did a great job!

  4. Hi Olivia! I really enjoyed reading your blog post this week and your take on the material. I similarly discussed how both of the Powerpoint assignments were fun to create. Good job!

  5. A paragraph on new skills you acquired from working on the two PowerPoint assignments. Reflect what you like/don't like about each and how you can improve it next time. Post a screenshot of both assignments.
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