Blog Post Seven!

1. I think that maintaining a class website would be both beneficial and inconvenient at the same time. It has the opportunity to be beneficial for the students and parents but at the same time Personally for me given the fact that I would ideally like to be in a younger classroom, so I am not entirely sure how an online resource would work for younger kids. I know that it would be beneficial for their parents, although even in that sense they might even forget to check it. I think the current way that teachers send information home to their students through papers in their backpack works well for now. I also think that an email system that the teachers have and can email the through works well too when it comes to more important things. I just sometimes think it would be unrealistic for them to check the website every time I posted something. I think that it might be helpful to have an overview of the course, but being realistic I can't really say that it would be too beneficial for the students and parents. It just might be too much work for them to always check it. 

2. I envision myself using technology in the classroom in many ways. I can envision myself using kahoot, some educational videos, and probably have some interactive games for the kids to keep them motivated. I think there are many lesson plans that sometimes kids might enjoy being interactive with or learning from a video with. As stated earlier, I don't think that all students learn in the same fashion or way so they might not do best being lectured every day. There are also many games on the Ipad that are very interactive and learning centered that the students could get a lot out of. I also think that technology would be very useful for me as a teacher in the way that I would grade things. It would make things so much easier as a teacher to have more access to online sources. 

3. Last week when we worked on the WebEvaluation assignment I found it fun but also time consuming. I did not expect to spend as much time on creating the document. Although I did enjoy going to websites and trying to figure out if they were credible or not.I can see how crucial it can be for teaching students what a credible source is and which is not. While trying to create the WebEval document it was fun to mess around within Word and figure out how to get things so they looked correctly. Trying to get the words in the boxes to not spill onto a new page took me a little while to rearrange things, which made me think from a students perspective about how they would not even realize how much time I had put into creating this WebEval for them! Overall I enjoyed this assignment! I will definitely use this as a teacher. I think it is just such a good way to get the students more familiar with the internet and how to use it and find good sources. Students will be writing papers until they are out of college so it can always be useful to learn how to find a credible source. 


  1. 4. I commented on Hayleys post and Malyces blog!

  2. I think your viewpoint of the class website was interesting because I think that if you made the website your primary use of communication then they would all use it especially since technology is growing so fast. But, I get your stance and agree that it might be difficult for the younger kids. I also envision myself using educational videos and kahoot in the classroom because they help kids learn in a fun way. I thought your webeval was awesome!

  3. Hi, Olivia

    I agree with you maintaining a class website would be both beneficial and inconvenient at the same time. I like what you said "Being realistic I can't really say that it would be too beneficial for the students and parents."

    I agree it just might be too much work for them to always check it.

    Just to note, from a parent's perspective, I would like to access a website to learn about the teacher, students, and communicate with other parents. The website is there. But believe me, a parent might be overwhelmed with too many emails.


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